Thursday, 10 January 2008

New Bowie Movie at Sundance

August, a new movie from director August Chick, stars Josh Hartnett and Naomie Harris, and follows the life of a dotcom entrepreneur in New York in the last month before the 9/11 attacks. Bowie plays a British businessman by the name of Ogilvie, described as "a bit of a hardman who eats newcomers for breakfast." On his official website he has this to say:

"My bit was filmed last year not that far from where I live so it felt a little like wandering down the road for a morning paper, dropping into a quiet building and making a quick cameo appearance in a movie and continuing on home to read. Nice."

Initially slated for release in 2009, it will be getting its first showings at the Sundance Film Festival at the end of this month. Screening times as follows:

Tue. January 22, 5:30pm, Library Center Theatre, Park City
Wed. January 23, 2:30pm, Library Center Theatre, Park City
Thu. January 24, 9:45pm, Broadway Centre Cinemas V, SLC
Sat. January 26, 11:30am, Library Center Theatre, Park City

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